HEIGHT 30 cm/s (max)
DEGREES 7 put into effect to you, 4 do not put into effect to you
WHEELS 3 (2 GdL):
- 2 put into effect wheels independent
- 1 wheel of support not put into effect
2 (x 3 GdL everyone):
- put into effect, shoulder
- elbow not put into effect, with cluch
HEAD (2 GdL): "pan & tilt" it puts into effect to you
OTHER Hip (1 GdL): position
MODULES 7 modules on distributed architecture:
- Head/SoundFollower (Freescale MC68HC908AP8)
- Motherboard (Freescale MC68HC908AP8)
- Voice (Sensory RSC-4128 1MB Flash Simultaneous R/W )
- Bluetooth, Class 2 (National LMX9830A)
- Brain & Vision (Freescale MC9328MXL 150MHz, 16MB Flash, 16MB SDRAM)
- Base (Freescale MC9S08GT16)
- Arms (Freescale MC68HC908AP8)
IT ARRANGES OPERATING Module B&V: Embedded Linux (2,4)
NET NEURALE SOM, exclusive right for "the emotional" evolution of the robot
VOCAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT - 50+ commands "speaker independent", to single activation from a dictionary of 40+ terms
- 1 password biometric "speaker
VOCAL SYNTHESIS 60+ precarious phrases
LOUDSPEAKERS 1 (connected to the Voice module)
MICROPHONES 4 (1 vocal acknowledgment + 3 localization of sounds)
IT ARRANGES OF VISION Survey presence and movement of face, hands and objects colors to you
IT TAKES OBJECTS (currently it cannot grab but transports objects with the accessory tray) Note: after part 75 will expand with grable hand
SENSOR VIDEO 0,3 CMOS Mega Pixel, Color (resolution max 640x480)
COMMUNICATION BT class 2 (10m-30m)
DOORS 1 RS-232
1 USB ("device", not "host")
1 I2C (available for breadboard)
PROGRAMMING Visual Editor, C-like (embedded), Java (remote control)
BATTERIES 8, 2AA (alkaline or re loadable)
AUTONOMY 4 hours (I use typical)
SENSORS 2 emittters, 3 receivers
SENSORS TEMPERATURE 1 with accuracy 1°C
DISPLAY Alphanumeric LCD, 16x2
LED - 3 led x 3 colors x 2 eyes (available for color and eye)
- 1 led x 2 orecchie (available singularly)
- 2 led x 2 wheels (available all entirety)
- 1 led x accessory torch (available)
- diagnostic others led
AUDIO RECORDING Max 10 second messages from 16 people
ACCESSORIES Tray, torch, load-batteries, serial